Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So let's get started.............

Just a little about me......

I've worked since I was 15 until a few months ago, had some surgery, lost my job and decided that it was time to be the mom I've always wanted to be.  How on earth did I do all this when I worked?  Well, I didn't.  We ate out too much, no crafting was ever done and I was always tired.  Now we eat home cooked meals, I'm crafting like crazy but I'm still tired.

Wanna know something about me?  Just ask.... I'm an open book with a sick and twisty sense of humor.  I love Paula Dean and her butter, I'm a mix of Susan Sugerbaker, a redneck and the Terminator.  My wonderful hubby loves me and my kids love me, so nothing else matters.